Weifang Tuoshi Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Name:Weifang Tuoshi Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Dimethyl Isophthalate(DMIP)
CAS No: 1459-93-4
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Aliphatic compounds
Product spec: 99.5%
Packing: 25kg PP woven bags,or 500kg Flexible big bag
Post Time: 2011-01-21
Description: One of the principal uses of Dimethyl Isophthalate is as an intermediate in the synthesis of polyesters. In order to obtain the structural strength needed in fibers and films the polyester must be of high molecular weight. The most efficient route to these high molecular weights is through transesterification of methyl ester with a glycol. A specially purified methyl ester is needed in this application. It is used primarily to improve the clarity and strenghth of PET carbonated drink bottles. Another significant applicant area is in engineering plastics.
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