Weifang Tuoshi Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Name:Weifang Tuoshi Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Dimethyl Adipate (DMA)
CAS No: 627-93-0
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Carboxylic acids
Product spec: 99.5%
Post Time: 2011-01-21
Usage: Dimethyl adipate has found use as part of a dibasic ester (DBE) blend that is used as a major ingredient in several paint strippers. The DMA content in DBE blends varies from about 15 to 90 percent. The other components of the DBE blends are dimethyl glutarate (DMG; -(CH2)3-) and dimethyl succinate (DMS; -(CH2)2-). The most popular DBE blends used in paint stripping formulations contain about 90 percent DMA. The final DBE content in consumer paint strippers is usually from 20 to 50 percent. DBE blends are also used in the coating industry to clean up polyurethane adhesives, polyurethane foams, and unsaturated polyester resins. DMA is used as a chemical intermediate and as a plasticizer in the production of paper and cellulose resins
Description: Dimethyl Adipate, is a clear, colorless oil. Flash Point, C.O.C., ℃ 285 Boiling Point, ℃ 115 @ 13 mm Hg Melting Point, ℃ 0 Solubility in Water Negligible Vapor Pressure 7 mm Hg @ 105 ℃ Vapor Density 6.1
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